• Kaji Australia Pty Ltd v Glover [2017] NSWSC 120 and associated cases – the dispute involves a loan secured by mortgage. The issue in dispute was whether the terms were unjust so as to warrant the Court to exercise its discretion under the Contracts Review Act.
  • Bay Bon Investments Pty Ltd v Damevski [2012] NSWSC 1408 – the dispute involves a loan secured by mortgage. The issue in dispute was whether the terms were unjust so as to warrant the Court to exercise its discretion under the Contracts Review Act.
  • Driat Pty Ltd v Thomas [2012] NSWSC 683 and associated cases – the dispute involves a loan secured by mortgage. The issue in dispute was whether the terms were unjust so as to warrant the Court to exercise its discretion under the Contracts Review Act.