1. Kurmond Homes Pty Ltd v Marsden [2018] NSWCATAP 23 – the dispute at first instance involved a building defects claim. The appeal was directed to the issue as to whether the Tribunal’s discretion miscarried when determining that the preferred outcome was a money order under s48O of the Home Building Act.
  2. Edelbrand Pty Ltd v HM Australia Holdings Pty Ltd [2012] NSWCA 31 and associated cases including Special Leave Application – appeal from first instance decision involving the setting aside of an adjudication determination. The question in issue was whether the contract was a building contract within the meaning of the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payments) Act.
  3. H M Australia Holdings Pty Limited v Edelbrand Pty Limited t/as Domus Homes & Anor [2011] NSWSC 604 – the dispute arises from a construction contract and whether the adjudicator committed a jurisdictional error.
  4. Grozdanov v N&T Buildings Pty Ltd [2015] NSWCATAP 107 and associated clams – a defects claim under the Home Building Act. The homeowner claimed damages for breach of statutory warranties under the Act. The defects were substantial in nature and involved lengthy conclave expert evidence. After the appeal, the matter was remitted and the homeowner’s claim was successful.
  5. Pavert v Reward Homes [2015] NCAT – a defects claim under the Home Building Act. There were over 50 claimed defects and all of the significant defects were successfully defended. This involved robust cross examination of an expert leading the Tribunal to make adverse findings in respect of the homeowner’s expert.
  6. Xu v Georges [2013] NSWSC 880 – the dispute involved the provision of architectural services for the purpose of furthering a development application.
  7. Owners Corporation SP 82041 v Shimden [2013] NCAT – the dispute arose between a builder who claimed against an Owner’s Corporation in respect of money it was owed for home building works
  8. Levadetes Pty Ltd v Iberian Artisans Pty Ltd [2009] NSWSC 641 – the dispute arose from a construction contract. The question in issue was whether the contract was a building contract within the meaning of the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payments) Act, in particular, whether the construction contract was for the carrying out of residential building work.